I had so many toys that would be deemed offensive now. From an early age watching classic horror/monster movies to discovering Stephen King at 10 & Kiss even younger than that, horror and evil things have always been a huge part of my life. That is one of the main reasons you quickly became equal to Stephen King as my favorite writer. All of those same influences show through in your writing

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Thank you so much. That means a lot to me.

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Man, I've wondered for years if anybody else preferred the Cobra toys over the GI Joes. The Joes are the good guys and they're okay but the Cobras looked so damn bad ass! I had tons of vipers and BATS and different versions of Cobra Commander and Destro. I mean, Snake Eyes looked bad ass but he was the only Joe that did. I'm with you, man. The Cobras were way more bad ass and the He-Man villains were pretty horrific. Those were great times. The 80s was the action figure Rennaissance.

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COBRA forever!

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Oh yeah, I had a lot of these toys too. I still have a binder of Garbage Pail Kids. There was a sort of imitation GPK of GPK cards called Grossville High I wish I'd held onto. Some of us have a natural gravitation to the spooky, strange, and unusual.

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I sold all my GPK on eBay a long time ago and regret it even though I got good money for non-mint cards.

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Wow! This takes me back… I had lots of these toys, and still do, somewhere in my parents attic—I hope! My prized possession was The Fotress of Fangs 🙂 I’m gonna have to dig that—and lots of other stuff—out when I next visit! Excellent post!!

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